Mayor and Board of Trustees News & Announcements

January 10, 2022, Mayor's Column

In the old days of the Bronxville School, on occasion we received “Good News Grams” from teachers that were so welcome. 

January 3, 2022, Mayor's Column

In Village government we have two “new years” in a sense – the traditional one where we gather together to discuss long-range projects and... more ››

December 20, 2021, Mayor's Column

At this time of taking stock and reviewing the year with gratitude and appreciation, there is no better moment to thank the dozens of... more ››

December 13, 2021, Mayor's Column

As the holiday season is clearly upon us, our Village merchants need resident support in the next two weeks more than ever as they have... more ››

December 6, 2021, Mayor's Column

I attended a very comprehensive analysis of the 2020 Census by Norma Drummond, Commissioner for Planning for Westchester County, which I... more ››

November 22, 2021 Mayor's Column

Offering a change of pace, I decided to write about a topic that has always fascinated me – political polling. As background, I spent the... more ››

November 15, 2021 Mayor's Column

This is the promised Part Two update on news and projects emanating from Village Hall.

November 8, 2021, Mayor's Column

I planned on writing Part Two as an extension of last week’s column about news items and up-and-coming projects emanating from Village Hall.

November 1, 2021, Mayor's Column

I want to share some news from the Village Board of Trustees’ level discussed/decided either at recent public work sessions which are open... more ››

October 25, 2021, Mayor's Column

Voters across the State will be asked to decide the fate of five ballot measures in addition to the normal electoral races on Tuesday,... more ››

October 18, 2021, Mayor's Column

This week’s column will be a compilation of various updates as well as answers to questions that have recently come to the fore.

October 12, 2021, Mayor's Column

I have been trying to understand the bipartisan infrastructure bill to take my mind off some of the other activities in Washington and also... more ››

October 4, 2021, Mayor's Column

On March 31, New York State joined 15 other states and the District of Columbia in legalizing adult use of recreational cannabis with the... more ››

September 27, 2021, Mayor's Column

This is my third column in a series that focuses on all things related to our Village roads, sidewalks, safety and maintenance furthering... more ››

September 20, 2021, Mayor's Column

As promised in my column of last week, I will continue sharing the initiatives the Village is undertaking as our number one priority this... more ››

September 13, 2021, Mayor's Column

So many Village residents are suffering from the after effects of Hurricane Ida, both financially and emotionally, and those of us at... more ››

September 7, 2021, Mayor's Column

I was working on a fall column last week to share all that transpired at Village Hall and on Village streets over the summer, but mother... more ››

July 26, 2021, Mayor's Column

As is custom, this will be my final column until post Labor Day as, like many
of you, I plan on getting away a little in August. I... more ››

July 19, 2021, Mayor's Column

I have written often about the unique characteristics of our one square mile but during the days of the recent deluge and resulting long... more ››

July 12, 2021, Mayor's Column

I want to update everyone, as summer vacations fast approach for many, on some important legislation that has transpired or may transpire... more ››
