Mayor and Board of Trustees News & Announcements

March 13, 2023, Mayor's Column

So many of you have reached out to me after learning about Governor Hochul‘s “Housing Compact.” I want to assure you that it is a front... more ››

March 6, 2023, Mayor's Column

My column this week could be aptly titled:What is going on in Albany?

February 27, 2023, Mayor's Column

One of the most positive and inspiring developments in recent weeks is the collaboration of the Village government with a group of... more ››

February 21, 2023, Mayor's Column

Last September, thanks to the galvanizing energy of the Village’s Green Committee, led by Ellen Edwards, and Village government support led... more ››

February 13, 2023, Mayor's Column

I just recently returned from the annual New York State Conference of Mayors plenary session in Albany.

January 23, 2023, Mayor's Column

A proposal to add a new crosswalk on the Route 22 corridor has generated much discussion of late.In a quest to keep the conversation going... more ››

January 17, 2023, Mayor's Column

As is custom, I begin every year as the new legislature convenes in Albany sharing the initiatives/wish list of Mayors throughout the state... more ››

December 19, 2022, Mayor's Column

President John F Kennedy said, “We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” As we enjoy the holiday... more ››

December 12, 2022, Mayor's Column

As the year hurries to a close, I thought it an appropriate time to give you a Village final/project update. Our fiscal year runs June 1st... more ››

December 5, 2022, Mayor's Column

This incredibly joyous time of giving also becomes a time of taking as scammers seem to want to capitalize on the goodwill and the gift... more ››

November 28, 2022, Mayor's Column

So many of you have commented on the beehive of activity on the new Iona University campus as you drive up Tanglewylde Avenue or across... more ››

November 21, 2022, Mayor's Column

As I write, Thanksgiving is upon us and the grocery stores, butchers and bake shops are teaming with customers bringing additional energy... more ››

November 14, 2022, Mayor's Column

We have so many truly innovative and unique organizations in the Village that deserve to be highlighted so I thought I would devote my... more ››

November 8, 2022, Mayor's Column

This week, Village Administrator Palmer and I have been invited to participate in the meeting of the New York State Conference of Mayors to... more ››

October 24, 2022, Mayor's Column

In a sure sign of fall, the Village’s leaf collection process has already begun and will last until early December.

October 17, 2022, Mayor's Column

For me, this week in the Village was one of the most joyous as we celebrated the 80th anniversary of our venerable Adult School and the... more ››

October 11, 2022, Mayor's Column

I continue this week on the theme of walkability, which is the major focus of the Board of Trustees this fall. 

October 3, 2022, Mayor's Column

The Village is so very proud of reaching bronze status in record time and becoming a Climate Smart Community in New York State thanks to ... more ››

September 26, 2022, Mayor's Column

In last week’s column, I spoke to summer improvements in two major areas: traffic safety/walkability and underground infrastructure. This... more ››

September 19, 2022, Mayor's Column

In my long tenure in Village government, I know for certain this has been the busiest spring and fall in terms of tackling some serious... more ››
