Mayor and Board of Trustees News & Announcements

March 4, 2019 Mayor's Column

As the Trustees and I embark, with assistance from professional planners, on a Comprehensive Plan for the Village, I have devoted... more ››

February 25, 2019 Mayor's Column

I spent part of last week in Albany at the annual Mayors Conference to get a grasp of what was happening at the seat of government and its... more ››

February 11, 2019 Mayor's Column

I am writing this from snowless! Albany while meeting with my government colleagues from around the State, including those from the 45... more ››

February 4, 2019 Mayor's Column

One of the most productive and collegial collaborations Village government has is our relationship with the Bronxville Chamber of Commerce.

January 28, 2019 Mayor's Column

As a Village of only 6500 residents, we benefit from embracingly small and truly getting to know each other.  After serving the Village for... more ››

January 22, 2019 Mayor's Column

The following is a year end compilation of the most asked questions to Village staffers as well as issues that have generated the most... more ››

January 14, 2019 Mayor's Column

Unlike National and State government, the Village’s Legislative “New Year” is an April to April cycle consistent with municipal law.... more ››

January 8, 2019 Mayor's Column

Now that the new State Legislative session has begun, there was a flurry of bill signing, vetoing or pocket vetoing at year’s end.The... more ››
