October 23, 2023, Mayor's Column

At this time of year when we start thinking of one of the most joyous holidays, gathering our family together and frankly ordering copious quantities of food, it is also the time to think of our neighbors who are unable to do the same. The scourge of hunger is never more in focus than around the winter holidays.

As background, even though we live in one of the richest five counties in the United States, 70,000 of our neighbors receive what we used to call food stamps but is now known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). Feeding Westchester, the county’s umbrella food bank, feeds 200,000 of our neighbors each month. Prior to Covid they were feeding 140,000 neighbors. So when we speak of the effects of long Covid, we must remember how lasting jobs loss impacted Westchester residents.

As a snapshot, in June, Feeding Westchester distributed 21.1 million pounds of food or 2 million more than past Junes as a comparison. The most requested food is fresh produce and Feeding Westchester, working through 250 county agency partners, was able to acquire about 8.8 million pounds or 42% of their distribution needs in fresh produce.

I am happy to report that Bronxville‘s Giving Garden did its small part by producing over 500 pounds of fresh vegetables in our small footprint donating directly to neighboring organizations in Tuckahoe and Mount Vernon.

Feeding Westchester depends very much on our cash donations as they have to purchase some food items to keep the shelves replenished, but they also have local chain stores and groceries who generously donate. They are in constant search of new donors and volunteers as they have a labyrinth of pickups in order to transfer the food expeditiously. As a result, they have added two new loading docks and are increasing their cooler capacity to receive the very much desired fresh produce. They are in constant need of increasing access to food supplies, fostering new partnerships, and looking for folks like us who can perhaps help by writing a check. The major catchment areas are Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle and Ossining.

Of great need and consequence is food for growing children as 1 in 8 US children wake up hungry including 22% of our Black children and 18.5% Latino youngsters. In Westchester, 71,000 children receive food assistance. The results are indisputable that a hungry child has less energy, less ability to focus affecting cognitive, motor, social and emotional skills resulting in lower academic scores.

Food deprived children in their first three years of life have actually evidenced slower brain structure growth.

Compounding this is the corollary instances of higher rates of juvenile diabetes, obesity and even high blood pressure.

The second most food sensitive cohort is our elderly neighbors where lack of nutrition manifests itself in higher rates of depression, asthma and diabetes with a staggering 65% more likely to have high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, gum disease and obesity.

In America last year 49 million people reached out for assistance with children, seniors, people of color and households headed by a single parent most vulnerable.

The Bronxville Junior League has stepped up in a big way.  In addition to its 10th annual Turkey Drive, the JLB is collaborating again with Village government on a Thanksgiving Sides Food Drive with donations going to a Mt. Vernon Mobile Food Pantry via the Feeding Westchester pipeline.

Bins will be placed outside Village Hall adjacent to the front door with donations accepted from November 8th through November 15th. Drop off can be any time of day as our police officers graciously monitor the bins for us.

Suggested donations highly requested include instant mashed potatoes, canned sweet potatoes, stuffing mix, gravy and juices. (no glass containers)

If you prefer to send a cash donation, kindly direct it to Feeding Westchester, 200 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, NY 10523 or online at www.feedingwestchester.org. As their mission states, “Nourish your community and shape a better tomorrow.”