June 19, 2023, Mayor's Column

Last Sunday, I was privileged to attend the annual Garden Party which acts as a fundraiser for our Bronxville Beautification Council and as I was so enjoying an afternoon in the sunshine, I realized how lucky we are to have such a group in this Village.

Adding to the gratitude is the fact that the benefit was not only supported by residents but dozens of our small business owners and again, what would we do without them?

Post party, I thought it a very apropos moment to step back and let residents, young and old, know about the selfless history of our Bronxville Beautification Council. Founded in 1982, its mission is to, “Enhance and maintain the natural and man-made beauty of Bronxville Village with an emphasis on the downtown business district.”

The impetus was a concern that our business streets were looking rather shabby and unkept. Started as a purely volunteer effort, it remains so to this day.

The scope of the BBC mission has grown since its official incorporation thanks to your donations as volunteers seek to beautify our entire downtown business district and close environs.

All of the projects listed below are entirely funded by you the donor with cooperation and partnership with the Village’s Department of Public Works.

  • When you see the explosion of daffodils on the railroad banks and the perfusion of tulips that soon follow in the traffic islands that define the start of spring, the joy they bring is all thanks to the BBC. Not only did the BBC plant the flowers on the railroad banks, they added the interspersed ivy and created a mesh system to shore up the soil from erosion and financed a sorely needed air irrigation system. The islands are now brimming with the colors of fresh flowers and shrubs and this year new planters will grace our downtown area.
  • Our very tranquil Leonard Morange Park near the city bound side of the train station and dedicated to the Village’s first war hero, has become an oasis of calm and is lovingly cared for by the BBC with beautiful pots surrounding our benches and historical monuments.
  • The true gateway to the West Side of the Village, the fountain oval, was the inspiration of BBC co-founders Alice and Burton Pollen and creates a defining welcome to the Village with its tranquility, beautiful shrubs, and now exquisite daylilies.
  • Thanks to persistent outreach by the BBC, the lawn in front of our post office, which is federal property, is now under joint care of the BBC with help from our Department of Public Works. As a result of a newly installed irrigation system and dedicated benches, the grass and the rosebushes are offering a place of beauty.
  • All the beautiful planters you see in the central business district that add a pop of color to break up the concrete stretches are funded by the BBC. Not only do they help our very dedicated small business owners but the creation of a green walkable Village does so much for the entire square mile, not only inviting shoppers, but critical to maintaining our property values and contributing to the sheer joy of living in this unique Village.
  • The BBC, stretching their mission a bit farther, now supports the Bronx River Parkway’s Greenway Path.
  • So much of what the BBC does through tangible soil restoration and plantings and watering systems, creates the most beautiful intangible mood and happiness for residents and visitors alike.
  • In addition to plantings, the BBC works with an arborist and our DPW team to check on the health of our downtown tree stock and suggest pruning and feeding when needed to save our street trees.
  • When appropriate, the BBC also acts as an advocate on issues related to the aesthetics of Bronxville.

The relationship between the BBC and Village government is a shining example of a seamless private public partnership and serves as a model for so many other philanthropic endeavors in the Village.

Quite simply none of the above can happen without your help as the BBC does not receive any outside funding or taxpayer dollars and is entirely dependent on private donations. As an independent nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, your support is fully tax-deductible. In addition to the mailed annual appeal letter, In Memoriam and In Recognition of Bronxvillians past and present can be gifted for items including memorial trees and bench installations. To learn more about this treasured organization and perhaps donate online, visit  www.bronxvillebeautificationcouncil.org or mail a gift to BBC, PO Box 127, Bronxville, NY 10708.